Polio Survivors of Montana
Tips for Polio Survivors
Polio Awareness Month
Photo Gallery
Contact Us
Polio Suvivor's Tool Kit

Please Call for a Ride

For the Great Falls, MT area:
WALT TUSS 406-452-0722
BERT TSCHETTERS 406-761-6736



    THIS IS A WEBSITE NOT A BLOG! Designed to help Polio Survivors maintain what abilities they have left.

    Please note the email change and website and October’s meeting date.


    OUR MISSION — Polio Survivors of Montana want to make current and accurate information available to polio survivors, their families, their providers, those who may have not been or even those who may have been misdiagnosed.

    Please help us promote awareness of supports for polio survivors in your community.

    We have Polio Survivors of Montana brochures and other materials to distribute in your community. The information about Post Polio Syndrome and its effects, concerns, and treatments. You can request or download these materials from our new website:  www.poliosurvivorsofmt.org.  Keep checking to see when this new website goes online.
    You can share these materials with your friends and family and with health care providers, public health educators and human service organizations in your community. Please take the time to tell them why the polio survivorship is important to you.

    POST-POLIO HEALTH INTERNATIONAL  CALL: 314.534.0475 OR VISIT:  www.post-polio.org

    International Centre for Post-Polio Education and Research
       Dr. Richard Bruno, PH.D.  CALL: 201.894.3000
             OR VISIT: www.postpolioinfo.com

    The development of the awareness materials was supported by the Montana Disability and Health Program (MTDH), a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1U59DD000991-01. Their contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the funding source. MTDH is a partnership of The University of Montana Rural Institute and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.

    We can use donations of any size.  Donations need to be made out to North Central Independent Living Center for PSOM, to qualify for tax deduction. Donations will be used to purchase pamphlets, books, and other educational materials.

    We invite all to our meetings, functions, and fun; bring your family, friends and or helper.  Our meetings are held in an accessible building.       

    If you have a question about Post polio syndrome or a topic you would like to see in our newsletter, you can email us at psom@poliosurvivors.org (for Jan)

    Thank you Easter Seals for printing our newsletters and for the meeting space.

Polio Survivors of Montana